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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Top 5 Wellness System essentials

Hi Guys,
Hope you have had a good week.

I have just come back from Italy where we had our 3 year company strategy conference. It was fantastic to meet people from all over the world and share ideas and see who is doing what, well.

There were 77 countries represented so a fantastic experience.

I discussed with many of my collegues from UK, Holland, US, Italy and Germany who are some of the main players with Wellness System what we think are the most important things that all System customers should do.

If for any reason you are not doing any of these things, do not worry. It is your system and you use the functions that you see as important. It is not a one size fits all system. However, if there are things below that you are not sure HOW to do, please contact your local support who will help you get the best from your system.

1. Know your Active Member %

This is a very important number that all operators should know on a month by month basis.
The industry defenition of an active member is
'A member that has visited the club at least once in the last 30 days'
To give you an idea of what is good, the industry recognise that and active member % of 65% is good.

Once you know this number and can see the trend over a year, you can then work to improve it. If you dont know this number, you cannot even start to influence it.

2. Keep your database clean.

A database is as good as the data thet is put into it. This includes not only adding the correct data into the system, but also updating information when it changes. If you insert into your system that a member is currently pregnant, it is important that you update this information when they are not. If a customer leaves the club, make sure you move them to a cancelled group so they do not show in your reports.

All Members should;
1. Be assigned to a Trainer
2. Be in the correct Group
3. Have their Photograph in the system
4. Be assigned to the correct Profile
5. ALL additional information must be completed

3. Use the Training Program Renewal Report

On a weekly basis, each trainer should have a clear idea of which members are due for a new training program. This is one of the most powerful things about having the Wellness System. You can manage your customers training programs and ensure that they are updated and followed up. Think for a second how many clubs who use a paper system do this? Impossible.

4. Build an excellent Training Program Library

This is such a powerful tool to have in your club. Your trainers should be tasked with creating a huge resource of programs to pick from. Weight loss, power programs, cardio only, 3,4,5oo calorie programs, program of the month etc. Inform members that you have a huge resource of programs that they are welcome to try and to speak to a trainer if they would like one.
Regular emails to members explaining that you have created a new program that would meet their needs is extremly powerful way of keeping your service fresh and offering new things for your customers. If a csutomer is on the same program for more than eight weeks, you must question how long they will continue.

5. Complete your Tasks

The task area of Contact Manager is your daily 'to do list'. Your trainers should be looking at this on a daily basis to ensure they are keeping on top of their members. It will alert them of which of their members are not completing their workouts, who is due for a new program, and ultimatly who is likely to quit the club.

If your trainers are not using the tasks on a daily basis, you need to ask why and make sure that they start. This is the critical difference between having a paper based system from the 1970's where you have no clue who is an isnt visiting your club, and a system that automatically generates a list of members you need to target.

I hope this is helpful and like I said, if you do not know how to do any of the above, contact either Max, Heikki or myself in Norway.

Getting sick of the snow now so lets hope we have a really hot weekend and it all goes!!


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